Bruce Springsteen

Ближайшие концерты
  • 30 мая 2013 - Piazza Plebiscito, Naples
  • 29 июня 2013 - 93216 Saint-denis La Plaine, La Plaine St Denis  
  • 3 июля 2013 - Route Des Jeunes 16, Geneva    
  • 13 сентября 2013 - Cidade Do Rock, Rio de Janeiro        


The Missouri, she's a might river

Away you rolling river

The red man's camp lies on her borders

Away, we're bound away across the wide


A white man loved an Indian maiden

Away you rolling river

With notions sweet his canoe was laden

Away, we're bound away across the wide


O Shenandoah, I love your daughter

Away you rolling river

I'll take her 'cross the rolling water

Away, we're bound away across the wide


The chief disdained the trader's dollars

Away you rolling river

My daughter never you shall follow

Away, we're bound away across the wide


At last there came a Yankee skipper

Away you rolling river

He winked his eye, and he tipped his flipper

Away, we're bound away across the wide


He sold the chief that fire-water

Away you rolling river

And 'cross the river he stole his daughter

Away, we're bound away across the wide


O Shenandoah, I long to hear you

Away you rolling river

Across the wide and rolling water

Away, we're bound away across the wide



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