Bruce Springsteen

Ближайшие концерты
  • 30 мая 2013 - Piazza Plebiscito, Naples
  • 29 июня 2013 - 93216 Saint-denis La Plaine, La Plaine St Denis  
  • 3 июля 2013 - Route Des Jeunes 16, Geneva    
  • 13 сентября 2013 - Cidade Do Rock, Rio de Janeiro        


Early in the morning factory whistle blows,

Man rises from bed and puts on his clothes,

Man takes his lunch, walks out in the morning light,

It's the working, the working, just the working life.

Through the mansions of fear, through the mansions of pain,

I see my daddy walking through them factory gates in the rain,

Factory takes his hearing, factory gives him life,

The working, the working, just the working life.

End of the day, factory whistle cries,

Men walk through these gates with death in their eyes.

And you just better believe, boy,

somebody's gonna get hurt tonight,


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